Rehearsals have begun!!!!
Rehearsals have begun on 'Zucco'. A play being produced by cardiff based theatre company 'August 012'. Im super excited to be working with the talanted (and slightly crazy) Mathilde Lopez for a second time.
The music concept is "choir, 80's guitar solos and 'Vangelis' style synths"
Ive not worked with a choir before but we had our first rehersal this monday and it was awesome to hear my music being performed by real people (the last show i worked on was all pre recorded by myself).
We're back working with the choir again tonight. Still early days so are only just learning some of the music. Though i think tonight Mathilde wants to start intergrating the choir into the space.
Tomorrow I will be working with lead cast member 'Adam Redmore' on some guitar solos. Adam is already a very compitent guitar player so I expect we're going to have some fun with it.
The show will run in Chapter arts center from the 9th of July up till the 19th of July.
Do come see it, It'll certainly be an experience. :-)